Welcome to the place where the crazy, insane ideas and creations of me, Sarah Buchheit, will join forces and show themselves for the first time. This is tough for me to do. To show anyone my work is a little unsettling, but it's no use having them rot away on my computer.

Please keep in mind that these stories, yes, are based on movies, songs, TV shows, and other works that I have read. They may be similar, but I mean no disrespect or harm. I just really enjoy writing and I am inspired by the weirdest things.

Another thing. My stories are either in 3rd POV or 1st POV. They are all based on a supernatural being by the name of Galoria, who was born in the year 833 B.C. She goes through thirty-eight lifetimes. I probably will never finish this. The stories will be categorized by lifetimes (Galoria, Elizabeth, Eowyn, etc.). Whatever other questions you may have will be answered below. Now, below, it moves into Sarah Hunter's world. SO, DON'T GET CONFUSED!!
 Hello, everybody!! My name is Anna-Linda Thomas, but I have been known as The Wiz since I was maybe four years old. I was put in charge of all things electronic by Sarah Hunter herself. So, I am running this 'little' site. Any questions concerning this site or the life of our fearless leader can be sent to me on the 'Contacting Sarah' page. You may not get a message back from Sarah. You most likely will get a message from me or my partner on this project, Damien Spinelli. Again, you may not get a message from either Sarah or her husband, Emmett. Occasionally they get on here, but mostly, it's me.
-The Wiz
General Update - March 9, 2009
Hello. I just realized that the above message is a bit misleading nowadays. Wiz is actually going to college now and has been really busy. I have been doing most of the updating for the past three or four months now. If you send us a message, you will get a reply from me or the person you sent the message to.
There are a lot more information on this site, but I've found that it's hard to find. Most of the links are on the 'Other Lives' page. The 'Links' page has the Blog and MySpaces on it.
If you have any suggestions or anything, please, send me a message. I could definitely use the help.
- Sarah Hunter
General Update - March 27, 2009
Hello, everybody. I just wanted to touch base with you guys. I have created a Site Map. You can find every site that we have created there. It's a work in progress as we get the sites finished. The links are a little wonky so, bear with me, please. I'm going to be working on that today.
Now this page has been converted from the Life #1 page to the index. I am still trying to get my bearings on what to do with the new Life #1 page. As soon as I figure it out, the link to it will be on the Site Map.
- Sarah Hunter
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